Sunday, March 8, 2009

Upcoming Bike Tour

This is the tentative route that Tisa and I will be taking in the first week of April. We're planning about 200-230 mile bike tour of the coast from San Luis Obispo to L.A. Buying the bike trailer tomorrow so that we can tow our stuff. We're pretty damn excited. It's going to be awesome, camping along the way, probably biking around 50-60 miles a day. This weekend, we started upping our training. took a nice 25 mile ride up to Pasadena and back, really great ride. I'm pretty sure we can handle about 40-50 miles in a day, but we're going to be very tired! We rode to church today (about 5-7 miles), and I had my first experience really riding the day after a longish ride. Phew... Tisa and I both felt it... serious pains in the rear... saddle-soreness, and a bit of tight muscles. Man, we're going to need some more training before this trip! But, here's what's really cool, at some point today, about 3/4 of the way to church, I stopped noticing how sore I was. Tisa noticed the same thing. Hopefully it's similar on the trip. ANd also, hoping we aren't trying to go in way above our heads.

Started reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Diaz. Pretty interesting beginning, will post more about it later. (Still finishing The Boat by Nam Le, which has been pretty good overall). Thanks Mike for the book, Merry X-Mass.


tisa said...

List of things to get before trip:
Very long splitter cord (this way we can listen to the same music)
Padded bike shorts (or skirts)

I can't wait! We aren't in over our heads. Even if we are we will push through it...think Catalina,
Terrible current for two days straight + 6-7 hours of kayaking a day = we still made it and it was awesome!

mlc said...

Hey, Kev, remember biking over the mountain to get to Avila? Oh, man! There were the cows at the top mocking us... didn't help that I was trying to smoke cigarettes while we were biking.

Glad you got the book. I'm about 1/2 way through BSG. I like it. A lot. Thanks.