Wednesday, February 25, 2009

uber productivity

I had an uber productive day.

First off, a little pat on the back... I seriously motivate kids to write. Today, this was my lesson plan--"EAP Diagnostic Essay." All I did was put an essay prompt on table at the back of the room. By the time class began, I was already telling them how important this essay was. That's all it took. 35-40 minutes of solid writing from everyone in the class. It's at moments like these that I realize how awesome my students are. They trust me when I say, "Yes, I know writing is tough, and isn't always the most fun thing to do, but we need to do it to get better, and we've only got one month before the big test." Total buy in on their part. It's awesome.

So, while they were testing, I made a huge list of things I had to do... and all but one are now crossed off and it's midway through my last class of the day. Which gives me enough time to blog.
See, the problem has been a current obsession with online chess. It's totally turning into an addiction. I try to justify it because chess seems like a pretty good thing to be addicted to. But, I'm seriously daydreaming about awesome moves I had two days ago. And, in my classroom, I have access to Yahoo's online chess player. SHIT! It's become increasingly difficult to get work done at work, and totally taking up personal time. Even now, talking about it, I get minor shots of adrenaline thinking about how great it feels to win or how it feels to make an utterly demolishing move.

While I'm on this thought, I should probably also mention that writing a blog about being uber production and uber obsessed with chess clearly qualifies me as an uber nerd. Just watch. By my next blog, I'm going to be wearing suspenders. I'll be the Stephen Urkel of the blogging world. Of course, he was so nerdy that he built a machine to change him into the super cool Stephan Urrkell (pronounced much cooler, obviously). I'm pretty much the opposite... drifting into further and further nerdiness. That's assuming I was cool to begin with.

Did I do that?


Brian said...


Brian said...


mlc said...

Hey, i got some mail yesterday. Read some of it this morning. Mail is the best.

Also, taught my first class today. One class:11 students; another class: 1! dang.